From urban research to planning and design: strengthening cooperation between academia and practice.

KAEBUP Final Event / 3rd CyNUM Regional Conference
Joint Conference
From urban research to planning and design: strengthening cooperation between academia and practice.
6-9 December 2023 – Nicosia, Cyprus
31 January 2023: Abstract Submissions


The Department of Architecture of the University Cyprus is delighted to host the final event of the Knowledge Alliance for Evidence-Based Urban Practices (KAEBUP) project in conjunction with the 3rd Regional Conference of the Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology (CyNUM), on 6th-9th  December 2023 in Nicosia, Cyprus.

The event presents a great opportunity to bring together academics and practitioners from both the private and public sectors to exchange knowledge and explore ways of strengthening collaboration in the fields of architecture, urban design and planning

Important Dates

28 February 2023: Notification of Abstract Acceptance
31 May 2023: Full Paper Submissions (obligatory)
30 June 2023: Notifications of Paper Acceptance
31 July 2023: Early-Bird Registration Deadline
30 November 2023: Standard Registration Deadline
6-9 December 2023: Conference

2nd Regional Conference of Cyprus Network for Urban Morphology – CyNUM

Dear Colleagues,Dear Graduate Students,   We are happy to share with you the program of the ​​2nd Regional Conference of Cyprus Network for Urban Morphology – CyNUM organized with the theme of ‘Transformation and Conservation of Urban Form in South-Eastern Mediterranean Cities’.The conference will be online on the Zoom platform and be free to join through the following links.

CyNUM 2022 DAY 1
Time: Apr 7, 2022 09:00 AM Athens
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 868 8559 3580
Passcode: 760777


CyNUM 2022 DAY 2
Time: Apr 8, 2022 09:00 AM Athens
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 834 1695 8324
Passcode: 612222

You may find the conference programme here
You are welcome to join us. Best wishes, The Organising Team

CALL FOR PAPERS 2nd Regional Conference of Cyprus Network for Urban Morphology – CyNUM

CALL FOR PAPERS 2nd Regional Conference of Cyprus Network for Urban Morphology – CyNUM
Transformation and Conservation of Urban Form in South-Eastern Mediterranean Cities
7th – 9th April 2022,
Conference Venue
Famagusta Culture and Congress Center, Famagusta, Northern Cyprus

The Cyprus Network for Urban Morphology will host its second regional conference in Famagusta, in the northern part of Cyprus. The conference aims to address current issues related to urban form, from an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective, focusing on the main themes of “transformation” and “conservation” while engaging a variety of actors and stakeholders.
As we have discussed in the 1st Regional Conference of Cynum; “Over the past few decades South-Eastern Mediterranean cities have become radically altered in the sense of scale, scope and complexity as a result of globalization, increased mobility at all levels, massive internal movements of labour, climate change, technological developments, economic fluctuations, unemployment and urban conflicts. Migration flows as well as internal displacements and the movement of refugees, demographic, spatial and socio-cultural changes have profound consequences on city life and have created an increasingly diverse and continuously transformed urban population. Contemporary everyday life is, in these parts of the world, characterized by diverse manifestations of instability which continuously challenge and redefine everyday patterns of living and cities’ infrastructures and urban form.”
With these discussions in mind, CyNUM’s 2nd Regional Urban Morphology Conference aims at establishing a common platform to further discuss how cities, in the context of south-eastern Mediterranean, transform overtime by concentrating on their urban morphological characteristics. The conference will set up an academic and professional arena in which, urban morphology would be explored through heritage conservation-based urban transformation, regeneration-based urban transformation and (re)development-based urban transformation within the rich urban context of south-eastern Mediterranean cities.
City of Famagusta, with its un-inhabited Varosha district, provides a valuable case study for transformation and conservation of urban form researchers and can unveil the complexity of all the factors conditioning the various forms of the built environment in contemporary contested and continuously transformed urban realms.
As a homeland of many different cultures, Famagusta, just like the island of Cyprus, is one of the best examples of medieval cities, not only around the Mediterranean region but within Europe, with its multi-cultural identity, exhibiting a variety of cultures through Roman, Byzantine, Lusignan, Venetian, Ottoman and the British. The traditional urban pattern in the Walled City of Famagusta has a medieval character with its overall organic urban pattern, well-scaled narrow streets and cul-de-sacs, several public buildings and irregularly shaped public spaces at the intersection of streets and/or in front of public buildings. This urban pattern, and thus the organic fabric and dynamic silhouette, which give today’s Walled City its image are the products of history. In terms of organization of city life, density, population size, occupational differentiation, spatial distribution of urban activities, land-use and the street pattern, the Walled City of Famagusta developed its formal qualities in various periods throughout history, under several social, cultural, economic and political influences.
We believe that learning from cities in the South-Eastern Mediterranean region can provide a significant input to the fields of urban planning, architecture, and design. To this end, the conference will develop links with other organizations (universities, NGOs, research centers, and planning authorities) concerned with the built environment, and with other regional ISUF networks and the central body of ISUF.
We invite submissions from academics, researchers, practicing professionals, and interested persons from any background. The organizing committee encourages the submission of articles that address the general theme of the conference “Transformation and Conservation of Urban Form in South-Eastern Mediterranean Cities” as well as relevant topics of interest such as:
• Transformation of Urban Form
• Sustainability of Urban Form
• Architecture, Heritage and Urban Form
• Conservation of Urban Landscape
• Morphology of Historic Urban Landscapes • Current Tools and Methodologies in Urban Morphology • Urban Morphology and Contested Spaces
• Public Space Network
Registration Fee
Authors – CyNUM Members : 75 Euro
Authors – Non-member : 100 Euro
Daily participation : 25 Euro
Students : 30 Euro
The full fee includes coffee breaks, lunch, opening cocktail, digital conference proceedings, a year of membership to CyNUM. Participation in the gala dinner and the field visits will have an additional cost.
To register for the conference please visit the conference’s website here .
Abstract submission
Abstracts of paper proposals (300 words) should address at least one of the topics outlined in the call for papers. Speakers should submit a short biography (100 words). Please, submit your abstract to
Important Dates
Call for papers : 15th July 2021
Abstract submission : 15th October 2021 November 15th 2021
Acceptance notification : 15th November December 15th 2021
Authors’ registration and payment : 15th January 2022
Participants’ registration and payment: 15th March 2022
Conference : 7th – 9th April 2022
Full paper submission : 15th May 2022
Publication of proceedings : TBA
The CyNUM conference will take place at Famagusta Culture and Congress Center. The conference will combine the keynote speeches, the contributions to the call for papers in parallel sessions, thematic panels and workshops, roundtable discussions and field visits. The thematic panels and workshops and the roundtable discussions will provide the opportunity for participants to discuss, exchange views, and propose ideas in relation to traditional vs. contemporary urban form and public space concerns. A concluding roundtable discussion will consolidate the ideas, concerns and recommendations presented during the meeting, and set the basis for further practical and theoretical explorations.
Preliminary Program WEDNESDAY, 7th April 2022 THURSDAY, 8th April 2022 FRIDAY, 9th April 2022
Parallel Sessions (3+3)
Conference Opening
Special Session & Keynote Speakers on Ghost Town of Maras
Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker 10:30-11:00 Coffee Break Coffee Break Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions (4+4) Site Trip to the Ghost Town of Maras Parallel Sessions (4+4) 12:30-14:00 Lunch Break Lunch Break Lunch Break
Parallel Sessions (4+4)
Workshop & Thematic Roundtable Discussions on Maras Parallel Sessions (4+4) 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Special Session for Jeremy Whitehand
Workshop presentations on Ghost Town of Maras Closing Panel
Site Excursion to the Walled City of Famagusta
Optional Site Excursions (Kyrenia or Larnaca) Free Time 19:30 Opening Reception Site Excursions with free time Farewell Dinner
Organising Committee (Alphabetic Order)
Dr. Gizem Caner, CYNUM Executive Committee Member, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Cyprus International University.
Associate Professor Alessandro Camiz, CYNUM Secretary, Associate Prof., Department of Architecture, Ozyegin University.
Associate Professor Nevter Zafer Cömert, CYNUM Co-president, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University.
Dr. Ilaria Geddes, CYNUM Co-president.
Professor Şebnem Önal Hoşkara, CYNUM Treasurer, Professor, Department of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University. (Conference Chair)
Nezire Ozgece, CYNUM Executive Committee Member, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Cyprus International University.
Scientific Committee (Alphabetic Order)
Professor Ali Alraouf, HBKU University, Doha, Qatar
Professor Cana Bilsel, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Associate Professor Olgu Caliskan, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Professor Naciye Doratli, Eastern Mediterranean University, N. Cyprus
Associate Professor Sergio Garcia Perez, University of Zaragoza, Spain
Associate Professor Payam Mahasti, Cyprus International University, N. Cyprus
Associate Professor Marco Maretto, University of Parma & Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Assistant Professor Fabiano Micocci, University of Thessaly, Greece
Professor Ayşe Sema Kubat, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Professor Giuseppe Strappa, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Professor Tolga Ünlü, Çukurova University, Turkey
Associate Professor Malgorzata Hanzl, Lodz University of Technology, Poland
Keynote Speakers
Professor Robert Saliba
Department of Architecture and Design
Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
American University of Beirut
Professor Francisco Javier Monclús Fraga
Department of Architecture
School of Engineering and Architecture
University of Zaragoza
For further information on the CyNUM conference please contact:

abstract template

Pandemics and the changing built environment Learning from history, planning our future

Pandemics and the changing built environment

Learning from history, planning our future

Call for papers:

2020 was an extraordinary year for all countries in the world. The pandemic has spread and has not ended yet, confirming that the world is dramatically changing. The scholars in the field of the built environment are increasingly discussing the relationship between survival and urban form, two concepts once closely linked. Besides this, the pandemic has brought us other questions: how can people get along with nature, how should we regulate social behaviours, and should we use science and technologies to improve the built environment? We have experienced unprecedented changes in our social behaviours since the COVID-19 pandemic. These changes, permanent or temporary, have made our cities different from the cities we lived in one year ago. This new society includes a completely different retail pattern, a reduced use of public transportation, an increased and multipurpose use of residential spaces, the exploitation of online activities, a reduced use of public spaces such as offices, stadiums, museums, theatres, schools and universities, but also streets, parks and squares. Some scholars have recently been discussing such transformations, noticing that most of them were already ongoing but received an acceleration since the pandemic, while others consider them to be completely new. We believe that in the long or medium term the new social pattern will be followed by substantial changes in the built environment, and that we should understand these changes to plan and design for the future, to mitigate the diffusion of new airborne diseases and to meet new social demands. This conference will have three tracks: it will use history as a mirror to analyse the present condition and to re-examine urban form, it will provide a meeting point for researchers and ideas on urban environment and health and consider new design and planning solutions. The international conference on Pandemics and the changing built environment will take place in a blended form in April 2022. We intend it as the first of a yearly series of meetings for scholars interested in pandemics and the transformations of urban form. We welcome proposals for papers and posters related to the conference topics. Abstracts of papers will be double peer reviewed by an international scientific committee before acceptance. We encourage scholars, planners, architects and city managers to propose abstracts.

Conference track 1: Learning from history

Historical plagues and urban transformations

Pandemics, territorial cycles and morphological periods

The Justinian plague and the collapse of classical cities

The black plague and the Renaissance

The Spanish flu and the modernist manifesto

Conference track 2: Shedding light on the contemporary world

The impact of the pandemics on the physical space

Changes in social behaviours and in the built environment

Smart working and new office spaces

Public health policies and their effects on the built environment

Virtual spaces/communications and the effects on real spaces

Climate change, pollution and waste treatment

Online education

Conference track 3: The world is waiting for us to take action !

The impact of the built environment on public health

Design and future solutions for public health

Technologies, design and smart cities

Architectural responses to COVID-19

Hospital design and COVID-19

Pandemics and open spaces, roads and parks

New housing and building types

Planning for health in the built environment

From global metropolis to sustainable small towns

Pandemics and the changing built environment

Learning from history, planning our future

First International blended conference, on Pandemics and Urban Form, PUF2022, April 28th-30th 2022, Istanbul, Turkey

Organised by: INTBAU, Nanjing University, University of Trento, Özyeğin University, University of Idaho, Kuwait University.

With the patrociny of: International Seminar on Urban Form – ISUF,  “Storia della città”, Centro internazionale di studi per la storia della città, fonti d’archivio e patrimonio architettonico-ambientale, ISUF-ITALY, Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology CyNUM.

Abstract submission deadline: October 21st, 2021


Email: pandemicsandurbanform AT gmail DOT com

Cities as Assemblages

The XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form “Cities as Assemblages”, organised by the Cyprus Network of Urban Morphology, will take place in Nicosia, Cyprus from July 2nd to July 6th 2019. The main venue is the Filoxenia Conference Center, on Tuesday July 2nd all the events will be in Chateau Status (Buffer Zone) and on Wednesday July 3rd afternoon all the sessions will be in the Buffer Zone at the Home for Cooperation, at the Goethe institute, and at the Chateau status conference centre.

Filoxenia Conference Center
17 Thrakis Street
2112 Nicosia, Cyprus

Home for Cooperation (Buffer Zone)
Markou Drakou 28, Nicosia
Nicosia 1102, Cyprus

Chateau status (Buffer Zone)
Markou Drakou 12,
Nicosia 1102, Cyprus

Goethe-Institut Cyprus (Buffer Zone)
Markou Drakou 21
Nicosia 1102, Cyprus

The updated conference programme may be dowloaded here